Accessible Cities: Accessibility Consulting and Community Event Programs

Disability Smart Solutions works with local governments to verify and create accessible cities. As inner city populations increase, the New Urbanism movement is coming to the forefront of urban design to make sure that everyone can shop, work, go out and do all the things a full life has to offer in an accessible city. We frequently find that “walkable cities” aren’t always “accessible cities.”
We offer three smart solution programs for accessible cities.
All of our programs may be customized.
Program 1: Undercover Disabled or Senior Tourist ADA Expert Experiences Your City

A pair of our ADA Experts tour your urban core, trying out restaurants, bars, grocery stores, fresh food markets, pharmacies, medical offices, social services offices, local mass-transportation, parking, museums, art galleries, government buildings, public libraries, senior centers, public parks, plazas, entertainment districts, and any urban spaces that the client requests.
We present a written report with photos and a Power Point presentation of the good, the bad and the ugly in customer service and architectural barriers that impact the livability experience for seniors and people living with disabilities.
- Option: A third local person with a service dog, will join us as we tour the city.
- Our ADA experts may present a written report with photos.
- Our ADA Accessible City Consultants may present a PowerPoint presentation that to your group with a question and answer session.
- We can present the presentation while we are in your city or at a later date.
- We can present to as many different entities as needed.
- We require a minimum of one full day to prepare the Power Point between the tour and a local presentation, depending on the extent of the tour.
- Fees are based on the number of days required to tour the requested places, preparation required for customization, pre-trip research, pre-trip virtual meetings with city team members, travel and types of reports and presentations requested.
- Please contact us for a custom proposal with bonus options.
- You may also call or text Susan Berry at 407-31-3663.
- Please contact us for a custom proposal with bonus options.
Program 2: Undercover Disabled or Senior Tourist ADA Expert Experiences Your City to Create a Presentation with a Walking Tour for Event Participants
Our ADA Experts do everything in Program 1. We visit your city ahead of your event to conduct our Undercover Disabled or Senior Tourist evaluation of your city or community.
- We spend 2 days preparing a Power Point Presentation and walking tour for your event participants.
- 1 to 2-hour presentation of our workshop “What Makes a Walkable, Accessible City, Sustainable City.”
- 1-hour presentation of workshop “Gain Loyal Customers: Engage Seniors and People Living with Disabilities in Your Community.”
- 1-hour presentation of a custom workshop of “Accessibility: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly in Your Home Town.”
- Lunch by Event Host
- Walking tour of the key locations by participants. Two to four hours.
- Option: Participants spend time navigating their city as a person living with a disability.
- Option: Happy Hour Pub Crawl, by Event Host.
- Fees are based on the number of days required to tour the requested places, preparation required for customization, pre-trip research, pre-trip virtual meetings with city team members, travel and types of reports and presentations requested.
- Please contact us for a custom proposal with bonus options.
- You may also call or text Susan Berry at 407-31-3663.
Program 3: ADA Expert City Accessibility Audit and Action Plan
We have the resources to put together a team of ADA Experts, Planners, New Urbanists and ADA Technology Specialists to work with cities and communities in Florida, nationally or internationally.
New Urbanist towns and cities strive to make sure everyone can shop, work, go out and do all the things a full life has to offer, however, accessibility and visitability may affect livability for people with physical differences and an aging population.
As more towns and cities are revitalizing their urban cores, embracing diversity, increasing housing resources in downtowns and creating arts and entertainment districts; verifying accessibility is key to engaging senior consumers and customers with disabilities who will WANT to live, work and play there.
People living with disabilities are America’s LARGEST MINORITY group.
- Review accessibility, local, state and federal ADA policies.
- Review city-owned buildings and properties for accessibility.
- Review parks and recreation areas for accessibility.
- Review existing streets, walkways, plazas and urban circulation systems.
- Review urban core for services that make a place liable for seniors and people living with a disability.
- Plan for future accessibility.
- Review cities with United Nations Accessibility guidelines.
- Work with your team to create action plans and transition plans.
Workshops for Cities and Communities
Customer Service* Inspiring * Motivating * Educating
Our highly interactive presentations focus on building and retaining new business, increasing loyalty, diversity, excellent customer service and empowering employees to welcome senior customers and consumers living with disabilities. Using solid content, humor and personal anecdotes, we create memorable engagements customized for your audience.
Please visit Speaker and Workshop Fees for details on the types and times of speaking engagements and our bonus program items that add value for meeting planners.
Please contact us to schedule your event. All speaking topics may be customized for the individual client.
What Makes a Walkable, Accessible City, Sustainable City?
Gain Loyal Customers: Engage Seniors and People Living with Disabilities in Your Community
Accessibility: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly in America’s Home Towns.
Disability Smart Solutions founder, Susan P. Berry, ASID is an architectural graduate who earned her Certificate in New Urbanism from the University of Miami. Disability Smart Solutions has the resources and connections to work with any size city or community.