Baby Boomers are Big Spenders: Keep Them Coming Back with Accessible Universal Design.

Baby Boomers are Big Spenders: Keep Them Coming Back with Accessible Universal Design.

Baby Boomers are Big Spenders: Keep Them Coming Back with Accessible Universal Design

Seniors are computer savvy. They research restaurants, stores and resorts before they buy. They post more on-line reviews than any other group. Great customer service is essential.

Everyone wants to feel forever young.

  • Is your business comfortable for people with reduced mobility?
  • Do you know how Seniors choose where the dine, where they shop and where they go on vacation?
  • Do you know what to do to keep them coming back?
  • Why should you care about seniors?
    • First, they’re growing in number: By 2030, nearly one-fourth (22 percent) of Americans will be over age 60.
    • Second, they’re growing wealthier: Worldwide, the share of income for those over 60 is increasing and will continue to rise through 2020. And seniors spend proportionately more of their income on discretionary purchases like eating out than do other age groups.
    • Only 5% of people who live with disabilities are wheelchair users. Arthritis is one of the most common disabilities shared by Boomers.
    • Diminished hearing, diminished eyesight and diminished range of motion for stepping all affect the way that Boomers perceive space.
    • In this training, we talk about sensory issues and simple changes in lighting, furniture placement, sounds, textures, materials, colors, signage, temperature and other often “taken for granted” design elements may enhance the baby Boomer Consumer experience.
    • This workshop will give you the tools to make simple changes in your facility and customer service module to increase your engagement with 50+ Seniors.

We are now scheduling for our 2015 Disability Customer Service Workshops.  We are available as a Florida Conference Speaker, as well as throughout the US. All workshops are customizable for our client’s audience.  Please contact us to review your needs.