Facility Accessibility Surveys for ADA Compliance
ADA Accessibility Audits Customized compliance reports including photos, measurements, solutions and resources per the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, the 1991 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, and the 2012 Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction.
Please contact us with information about your property. We will provide a detailed cost estimate for the services required. Services are available throughout the Southeastern USA.
ADA Speaking Topics
Customer Service Training Courses
Please contact us for custom solutions. Susan 407-310-3663

Baby Boomers are Big Spenders: Keep Them Coming Back with Accessible Universal Design.
ADA Service Dog Laws: A customer service approach to identifying Fake Service Dogs.
Architectural Barriers Workshops

What’s Your Plan? 3 parts to ADA Accessibility: Assessment, Barrier Removal, and Transition Planning. Teams
Accessibility Bloopers for Architects, Builders and interior Designers.
Accessibility Bloopers for Facilities Managers.
Workshops for Main Street Cities & Downtown Development Teams
Accessibility: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly in America’s Home Towns.