ADA Speaking Topics, Accessibility & Senior Consumer Training Seminars & Keynotes
Customer Service* Inspiring * Motivating * Educating
Our highly interactive presentations focus on building and retaining new business, increasing loyalty, diversity, excellent customer service, and empowering employees to welcome senior customers and consumers living with disabilities. With many Topics available, Susan and Tom have programs to fit your audience. Using solid content, humor and personal anecdotes, we create memorable engagements customized for your audience.
- Please visit Speaker and Workshop Fees for details on the types and times of speaking engagements and our bonus program items that add value for meeting planners.

People living with disabilities are Americas largest minority group. Engaging consumers who live with disabilities is key to diversity.
Our workshop topics are adaptable for different types and times of workshops and speaking engagements. They may be grouped together for full day training events.
Please follow this link for speaking times, types and fees.
- 15 to 20 Minute Breakfast or Lunch Meeting Speaker
- 30 to 40 minute + 10 minute Q&A Lunch and Learn Workshops .
- 1 hour, 2 hour, 3 hour and 4 hour Conference Breakout Workshops
- Keynote Speaker, 45 minutes to 90 minutes
ADA Training Topics
1. Increase Your Bottom Line By Engaging ALL Ability Consumers

People who live with disabilities enjoy restaurants, bars, casinos, museums, recreational facilities, travel, and shopping just like everyone else.
Did you know that only 5% of people who live with a disability are wheelchair users?
When improperly trained employees make assumptions because of a person’s physical appearance that may result in an ADA discrimination situation. Smart people might look different and people who appear “perfectly healthy” might live with hidden disabilities. We never know about a person’s physical and mental abilities or disabilities just by looking at them. Excellent customer service for everyone is key to a successful business.
Do you know that of the 69.6 billion people in America, 28.7% of families have at least one member with a disability?
Do you know that people with disabilities constitute our nation’s largest minority group and they are the only group that anyone could become a member of at any time?
- This training demonstrates ways to engage and retain consumers who live with different types of disabilities.
- We discuss communications skills, customer service, disability etiquette and how to avoid unintentional discrimination.
- We dispel assumptions about the aging baby Boomer population.
- We practice different situations and discuss different ethical questions in this seminar.
- We discuss common situations that lead to ADA accessibility discrimination litigation.
- Participants gain the tools to understand different disabilities and how to engage loyal customers.
- Participants learn the financial power of 50+ Seniors and people who live with disabilities.
2. Living Able: Understanding How Different Disabilities Impact Individuals and Your Business?

This workshop pairs well with “How to Increase Your Bottom Line By Engaging ALL Ability Consumers” for full day “Train the Trainer” and conference seminars.
Most people with a disability refuse to allow their disability to become a defect, a disadvantage or a defeat. They lead happy and fulfilling lives. A courteous accessible world makes all the difference in living able and independent in public.
No one wants to be defined by the limitations of their disability.
- In this workshop, we discuss a wide range of different physical and mental disabilities.
- We discuss how the built environment impacts these disabilities.
- We discuss range of motion and sensory impact o the built environment.
- We discuss proper respectful communication skills when engaging a customer we believe has a disability.
- We discuss how the ADA ramps, parking, restrooms, signage, and other architectural tools impact different disabilities.
- We discuss proper etiquette for Service Dogs.
- We present several videos by people Living Able.
- We discuss great customer service experiences.
3. Baby Boomers are Big Spenders: Keep Them Coming Back with Accessible Universal Design

Everyone wants to feel forever young. Is your business comfortable for people with reduced mobility?
Do you know how Seniors choose where the dine, where they shop and where they go on vacation?
Do you know what to do to keep them coming back?
Why should you care about seniors?
- First, they’re growing in number: By 2030, nearly one-fourth (22 percent) of Americans will be over age 60.
- Second, they’re growing wealthier: Worldwide, the share of income for those over 60 is increasing and will continue to rise through 2020. And seniors spend proportionately more of their income on discretionary purchases like eating out than do other age groups.
- Only 5% of people who live with disabilities are wheelchair users. Arthritis is one of the most common disabilities shared by Boomers.
- Diminished hearing, diminished eyesight and diminished range of motion for stepping all affect the way that Boomers perceive space.
- In this training, we talk about sensory issues and simple changes in lighting, furniture placement, sounds, textures, materials, colors, signage, temperature and other often “taken for granted” design elements may enhance the baby Boomer Consumer experience.
- This workshop will give you the tools to make simple changes in your facility and customer service module to increase your engagement with 50+ Seniors.
4. Protect Your Gold: Tips for Retaining Senior Employees and Engaging Senior Customers

This workshop is often taught along with “Baby Boomers are Big Spenders: Keep Them Coming Back with Accessible Universal Design“
Part I: Accommodating Older Employees Who Would Never Admit to Having a Disability
Part II: Serving Older Customers Who Don’t See Themselves as Disabled
Customers buy experiences!
- We discuss tips to keep aging employees comfortable and feeling valued.
- We review sensory issues like sound, temperature, ergonomics, furnishings, lighting, parking, movement breaks, and more that lead to increased productivity through a comfortable supportive environment.
- We discuss pathways of travel, furniture sizes, and restrooms relative to a population that is increasing in physical size.
- We discuss how to create a supportive corporate culture where employees are comfortable revealing their changing physical needs.
5. Stay Out Of the Dog House: ADA Service Animal Laws

Every day we hear news stories of businesses discriminating against a person with a service dog and the business owner believing it’s his right to deny service to anyone he chooses.
- There are many myths about training certifications, Dog I.D.’s therapy snakes, and service parrots.
- We dispel the myths and focus on the facts.
- We give tips for engaging and not offending consumers who use Service Dogs.
- We explain the legal difference and rights between Service Dogs and Emotional Support Animals.
- We provide customer service tools for successful interactions with Service Dog users and how to turn them into loyal customers.
- With the right tools, a business can engage consumers with service dogs, increase their bottom line and avoid costly judicial discrimination lawsuits.
- A Service Dog is available as a trainer at this workshop if requested by the Client.
6. Understanding PTSD: The Role of a PTSD Service Dog and the LAW

We all hear the term PTSD thrown around in the media and many have misconceptions of how this disease, defined by a group of symptoms, impacts the ability for many people to interact in social settings the same way they did before they experienced a life-changing trauma. When hospitality and restaurant employees deny people with PTSD access with their service dog, it not only breaks judicial law and carries a steep fine, but it also negatively impacts the person.
- In this class, we review service dog laws.
- Ways to include and welcome guests with PTSD service dogs.
- Review all of the symptoms of PTSD and how they impact may impact a person’s daily life.
7. Disability Etiquette: Graciously Handle Potentially Awkward Customer Service Situations

The population of people who live with disabilities is 18% of the American population and growing.
The Baby Boomers have money to spend but are slowing down from physical changes.
Our trainers teach you the culture and special needs of different disabilities including Hearing, Vision, Mobility Impairments, Hidden Disabilities (Learning Disabilities, Autism), as well as the special needs of people who have had the recent onset of a Disability.
- We teach you the tools and techniques for unexpected and occasionally stressful new situations.
- We discuss gracious solutions when important instructions must be followed, when conflicts occur and when clear communication is essential.
- We practice real life examples with appropriate solutions.
- Workshop participants increase their confidence and learn competence to serve the 50+ Senior and people living with disabilities consumer segment.
. Understanding ADA Grandfather Clauses: Do You Really Want Your Customers To Use Grandpa’s Toilet?

Many businesses believe that a “grandfather clause” protects them from complying with current ADA Building Standards and use this as an excuse to not move forward to make their facility accessible.
- We explain why these clauses exist and why it is not to your advantage to use them.
- We explain the different clauses.
- We explain that being “historical” does not mean that your building can be non-accessible.
- Do you want your customers to be comfortable or do you want to try to save money and be stubborn facing “change” ?
- Do you ever wonder why so many Florida buildings are torn down rather than remodeled?
- We explain the different Grandfather Clauses and how the could affect your business.
- We show you why investing in updating your facility is smart business.
9. Common Architectural Barriers and Solutions in the Resort, Restaurant, and Lodging Industry

This is a quick paced seminar presenting architectural barriers and solutions.
This is an interactive training where situations are presented and the audience offers their solutions the moderator then explains the proper solution and why The training includes several videos and audience participation.
- We discuss what is a Place of Accommodation.
- We discuss accessible tools like parking, ramps, sidewalks, restrooms, signage, and other accommodations.
- We discuss restaurant seating, hotel rooms, salons and spas, retail shopping, casinos and gaming, recreational facilities, swimming pools, fishing docks, seating, serving food, buffets, hotel rooms, changing rooms, spas, golf courses, and other resort amenities.
- We teach the obligations of lodging and resort facilities to meet the needs of guests living with disabilities.
This is an excellent training workshop for Owners, Key Staff, Facilities Managers, Risk Managers and Operations Managers.
This Workshop works well as a half day workshop or a full day workshop incorporating our Disabled Customer Experience.
This Workshop may be modified for different times.
10. Keeping It Legal: ADA Law and Protecting Your Business

In this seminar, we teach from examples of other people’s mistakes.
Our trainer is not an attorney.
- How to avoid accessibility complaints and litigation.
- Tools to prevent unintended discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
- How to train your employees to understand how to better serve individuals with disabilities – and how that benefits your business or organization.
- How to avoid mistakes that could hurt your organization.
- How to report problems to managers, in hopes of swift resolution, to avoid and prevent complaints or litigation.
- How to avoid the inevitable expense.
- How to avoid negative publicity.
- Gain a solid knowledge base for developing assessments, transition plans, self-evaluations, and barrier removal plans.
- Know how to spend your money in the right way and avoid costly mistakes, just because you did not know the law.
- Learn to work effectively with outside contractors.
- Show a good faith effort at compliance.
- Position yourself for establishing a defense to claims that may arise.
This full Workshop is designed for a full day conference. Topics with the Workshop may be modified for shorter workshops.
This is an excellent training workshop for Owners, Key Staff, Facilities Managers, Risk Managers and Operations Managers.
Accessible Equals Successful For Your Bed and Breakfast

The hospitality industry knows that accessible equals successful. In this workshop, we demystifying a lot of false fear producing information that is found on the web about ADA requirements for Bed and Breakfasts. Please follow this link to the B&B Inn Accessible Workshop page.