Category Archives: ADA Architectural Barriers

Is Parallel Parking Accessible? Accessible New Urbanism

On Street Parallel Parking is NOT Recognized by the ADA Standards

Does anyone with a reasonable conscience believe that a person with a mobility disability should have to stand in traffic to enter and exit their car?

20% of the American population lives with a disability. In my opinion, a lack of accessible parking in redeveloping downtown districts,  perpetuates keeping people with disabilities “out of sight, out of mind” or NIMN, “Not in My Neighborhood.”

Fortunately, this lady in Asheville, NC had a friend to look out for oncoming traffic. The “Reserved Accessible Parking” space was the same width as all of the other parallel parking spaces. There was NO access aisle between the van and the sidewalk.  Having safe distributed accessible parking is crucial in redeveloping walkable cities.

Non-Accessible on street parallel  parking space.  The access aisle leads to a raised curb.. Downtown urban renewal.
Non-Accessible on street parallel parking space. The access aisle leads to a raised curb.. Downtown urban renewal. Main-street city.

The ADA Code requires all “Handicapped Parking Spaces” to have an access space next to a car or van for a lift for mobility devices.

In Florida, all Accessible Parking Spaces must be 12 feet wide plus a 5-foot access aisle for a total of 17 feet.

Nationally, ADA requires 8 feet for an accessible car plus an 8-foot access aisle or 11 feet for an accessible van plus 5 feet for an access aisle.   All of the Accessible parking spaces require a total of 16 feet in width.

A situation came to my attention today in the City Beautiful. A City that promotes itself as inclusive. A paraplegic, who uses a van with a full lift, purchased an in-fill condominium in a Historic District. The condominium building, a re-purposed award-winning historical retrofit, has individual car parking garages for each unit.

Accessible vans are often taller than a standard garage door.  In commercial buildings with parking garages, clearances are mandatory for accessible van parking. In a smaller unit residential building, standard car height individual garages are allowed.

The developer asked the city to allow them to build a van accessible parking space, with an accessible path, to this individuals condo unit door on their own property. The City Historical Board denied allowing the paraplegic woman building a parking space on her property.

The City Historical Boards solution was that they would add a PUBLIC “accessible parking” sign to one of their existing parallel parking spaces on the existing narrow public street.

Parallel on-street parking is NOT accessible, without the added side access aisle.  Since the accessible parking space requested was for a van, it would have required 17′ in clear width, which certainly wasn’t available on the street.

This City board saw their “Historical Code” as a priority over Equal Access .

The Department of Justice has worked tirelessly to create the ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act, to assure architectural access for all. It is possible to design historically relevant accessible features and I am available to show any agency how.

Please send your colleagues and Historical Boards in my direction, for Disability Smart Solutions to assist them in employee training and accessible urban solutions. Susan’s cell: 407-310-3663

Florida Accessible Parking : More Rules Than ADA

ADA Accessible Parking in Florida.   Does Your parking Lot meet both the 2012 Florida Accessibility Code and the 2010 ADA?

Florida takes accessible parking seriously!  Does your parking lot meet all of the Standards to serve your guests with disabilities?

ADA Parking Survey in Florida. Measuring the width of a parking space. Disability Smart Solutions.
ADA Parking Survey in Florida. Measuring the width of a parking space. Disability Smart Solutions.


We review parking lots in Florida and the Eastern States.  Before you call us, here  are a few do-it-yourself review tips.  Please contact us for your  Accessible parking Lot Inspection.  We review parking lots for both the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible design and the 2012 Florida Accessibility Code for Building Design.

ADA Parking Survey in Florida. Inspecting the cross slopes of a shared accessible aisle of an accessible parking space. Disability Smart Solutions.
ADA Parking Survey in Florida. Inspecting the cross slopes of a shared accessible aisle of an accessible parking space. Disability Smart Solutions.
ADA Parking Survey in Florida. Inspecting the accessible path from the accessible parking spaces to the business entry. Disability Smart Solutions.
ADA Parking Survey in Florida. Inspecting the accessible path from the accessible parking spaces to the business entry. Disability Smart Solutions.


We inspect the parking lot based on the current state of ADA and Florida Standards compliance.  For a Parking Lot that appears compliant, are Post- Construction, or in ADA Litigation:

  • 6 Point measure of each parking space and access aisle with photos
  • 6 point measure of cross slope and slope of each parking space with photos
  • Measure and verify signage with photos
  • 6 point measure of cross slope and slope of access aisle with photos
  • Document accessible path with dimensions, cross slopes, slopes and photos.
  • Document ramps with dimensions, cross slopes, slopes and photos.
  • Document detectable warnings with dimensions, cross slopes, slopes and photos.
  • Document overhead clear with dimensions, cross slopes, slopes and photos.
  • Document Accessible Parking directional site signage
  • Document all areas applicable per Standard.

For Pre-Compliance Surveys, where remediation is obvious and necessary, we only measure the necessary areas.

Call or text Susan at 407-310-3663 to discuss your ADA parking lot compliance needs.  All projects are priced based on their individual Scope of Work.  Or send an email.

Florida Accessible Parking Space inspection for both running slope and cross slope of the parking space, access aisle and accessible path. Verifying signage. Disability Smart Solutions.
Florida Accessible Parking Space inspection for both running slope and cross slope of the parking space, access aisle and accessible path. Verifying signage. Disability Smart Solutions.


Just for today, instead of worrying about people with invisible disabilities parking in an accessible space, I would like all of us to make sure that our parking lots are truly ACCESSIBLE and meet the needs of the accessible community.

Florida goes beyond the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design to make accessible parking comfortable for a broad population.   In order to assure that a van with a lift can fit in any accessible space, ALL accessible spaces are 12 feet wide with a 60 inch wide accessible aisle.  Everyday, I park in lots that do not have accessible aisles with each accessible parking spot.

Did you know that when you RESURFACE and/or repaint your parking lot, accessible parking spaces must be corrected to the current ADA Standard?

Did you know that a person parking in an accessible spot should always have a 44 inch wide minimum ACCESSIBLE ROUTE to the building entrance?    A person parking in an accessible spot, should never have to walk or roll behind cars, other than their own, to reach the building entrance.  Even with new construction all over Central Florida, I see parking lots without safe accessible routes.

Did you know that any type of accessible vehicle may park in the spot designated as  a “Van Accessible?”    The “VAN ACCESSIBLE” sign spot is informational, but not exclusive to vans.

Do you know why the bottom of the Accessible parking SIGN needs to be 60 inches minimum above the ground surface?  So a driver can see it!  I often find signs buried in bushes, attached to palm trees and mounted on short posts.

Florida Accessible Parking Fail. Since all Accessible Parking in Florida must be Van Accessible, many parking garages do not provide the clear head room. In this photo there are no accessible aisle, no accessible path and other community mailboxes in the accessible parking space. Disability Smart Solutions.
Florida Accessible Parking Fail. Since all Accessible Parking in Florida must be Van Accessible, many parking garages do not provide the clear head room. In this photo there are no accessible aisle, no accessible path and other community mailboxes in the accessible parking space. Disability Smart Solutions.

Did you know that there is a 98″ minimum HEIGHT CLEARANCE requirement for Accessible parking in parking garages or areas where a vehicle must pass under an overhead obstruction?  In my beach condo ADA inspections, I often find all of the accessible parking spaces are located in parking garages that do not meet clearance! Since all of Florida’s accessible parking spaces are sized for vans with lifts, the lower vertical clearance prevents many vans from using these spaces.

Are the “towing” and $250 FINE SIGNS serious?  YES.  Since 1996, all accessible spots must have the International Symbol, “PARKING BY DISABLED PERMIT ONLY.” Florida requires the penalty for illegal use of the space.

Florida Accessible Parking Sign 2016 with the required fine sign.
Florida Accessible Parking Sign 2016 with the required fine sign.

Please take a few minutes to see if your parking lot meets the ADA needs of your disabled employees and guests.  If it doesn’t, please take ACTION!  If you need an ADA Compliance Report and Action Plan for your property, we are available.

Susan’s cell: 407-310-3663

[email protected]