Increase Your Bottom Line: Engage ALL Ability Consumers

People who live with disabilities enjoy restaurants, bars, casinos, museums, recreational facilities, travel, and shopping just like everyone else. Our training workshop teaches businesses techniques to Engage all ability consumers.
Disability Smart Solutions provides highly interactive presentations focus on building and retaining new business, increasing loyalty, diversity, excellent customer service, and empowering employees to welcome senior customers and consumers living with disabilities. “Increase Your Bottom Line By Engaging All Ability Consumers” is one of our most popular speaking topics for 2015. Meeting planners can find all of our Workshop topics, speaker fees and type of presentations by following the links. We offer many bonus items to add marketing value for meeting planners. Please contact us.
Did you know that only 5% of people who live with a disability are wheelchair users?
When improperly trained employees make assumptions because of a person’s physical appearance that may result in an ADA discrimination situation. Smart people might look different and people who appear “perfectly healthy” might live with hidden disabilities. We never know about a person’s physical and mental abilities or disabilities just by looking at them. Excellent customer service for everyone is key to a successful business.
Do you know that of the 69.6 billion people in America, 28.7% of families have at least one member with a disability?
Do you know that people with disabilities constitute our nation’s largest minority group and they are the only group that anyone could become a member of at any time?
- This training demonstrates ways to engage and retain consumers who live with different types of disabilities.
- We discuss communications skills, customer service, disability etiquette and how to avoid unintentional discrimination.
- We dispel assumptions about the aging baby Boomer population.
- We practice different situations and discuss different ethical questions in this seminar.
- We discuss common situations that lead to ADA accessibility discrimination litigation.
- Participants gain the tools to understand different disabilities and how to engage loyal customers.
- Participants learn the financial power of 50+ Seniors and people who live with disabilities.
We are now scheduling for our 2015 workshops. All workshops are customizable for our client’s audience. Please contact us to review your needs and get on our schedule.