Disability Customer Service Workshop, Increase Your Bottom Line By Engaging ALL Ability Consumers.
Great disability customer service is essential for ALL businesses. Our Disability Customer Service Workshop is geared to all service provider, with the objective of increasing customer satisfaction and avoiding situations that lead to ADA discrimination litigation.
The most common words I hear from Clients during ADA Compliance inspections is “we never see people with wheelchairs at our business.” That is because only 5% of the disabled population are wheelchair users. 20% of Americans have a disability. That number is much higher in Florida between an aging population and tourism.
We never know about a persons physical and mental abilities or disabilities just by looking at them. Excellent customer service for everyone is key to a successful business.
Disability Customer Service Workshop LEARNING POINTS
- 69.6 billion people in America, 28.7% of families have at least one member with a disability.
- People with disabilities constitute our nation’s largest minority group,
- How great disability customer service engages and retains consumers who live with different types of disabilities.
- Discuss communications skills, customer service, disability etiquette and how to avoid unintentional discrimination.
- Dispel assumptions about the aging baby Boomer population.
- Practice different situations and discuss different ethical questions,.
- Common situations that lead to ADA accessibility discrimination litigation.
- How the built environment impacts different disabilities.
- Discuss range of motion and sensory impact o the built environment.
- Communication skills when engaging a customer we believe has a disability.
- How ADA ramps, parking, restrooms, signage, and other architectural tools impact different disabilities.
- Proper etiquette for Service Dogs.
This is an excellent ADA training workshop for Owners, Key Staff, Facilities Managers, Risk Managers and Operations Managers.
We are now scheduling for our 2017 Architectural Barriers ADA Workshops. Please contact us to review your event requirements. Please review our page Speaker and Workshop Fees for information on the different types of speaking engagements offered and a list of bonus items for meeting planners. All of our topics may be customized for your individual event.